Welcome to a small sample of the capabilities of Judith Sherwood Design, LLC.  We believe that all design, whether Advertisements, Print Work, or Websites represents your company and should be  “A Welcoming View.”  Your marketing efforts should provide a glimpse of what you are about, plain and simple. A vehicle to show how you can serve or manage your clients’ needs.  Take a moment and click through the links on our website;  you will see variations in our expertise, and how we can help your company achieve your marketing goals.

Great Idea!

Take a chance on design.

Our client, Lisa Jey Davis wanted something edgy, catchy, and attractive award-winning Author.  Check her out.


Products and clients ‘looking good’.

Whether it is designing beautiful signage, handling any staff or product photography you may need for your company, or give you a new brand.

Fun with photography!

Love taking photos!

I love capturing those great moments or hidden treasures with photography. Amazing photos and have a lot of fun too!